Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s 97th birthday today

Nation’s father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s 97th birthday is today. Bangladesh Awami League and their allied groups have arranged various programs on this occasion.
At 10 o’ clock this morning, the president and prime minister will pay respect to Sheikh Mujib by laying bouquet on his tomb, located at Tungipara. Then they will recite Surah Al Fatiha and take part in Munazat. A team from the three forces will provide guard of honor to prime minister. At quarter to eleven, Prime minister will deliver a speech as chief guest in ‘Shishu shomabesh o alochona shova’, which is to be held on occasion of Sheikh Mujib’s birthday and national children’s day. This will be held in Bangabandhu’s tomb complex. Afterwards she will inaugurate book fair and give away sewing machines.
At 1 pm, prime minister will pray and take a lunch break at Bangabandhu Bhaban at Tungipara. She will start for Dhaka from Tungipara at 3 pm.
Many pylons are made in the Gopalganj-Tungipara road, on the occasion of arrival of the president and the prime minister. The tomb complex has been cleaned and prepared. Huge stage is prepared for the ‘Shishu shomabesh’. Maximum security is ensured.