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Update : 27 July, 2021 00:35 am

Download 50,000 movies in one second

Sefazul Nayem Niloy
Download 50,000 movies in one second

Now you don't have to wait for 20-30 minutes to download the movie. Can be downloaded in just one second. Again, not one or two, 50 thousand movies can be downloaded in a second.

Japan's National Institute of Information and Communication Technology has set a world record for such unimaginably fast internet. The country has witnessed an internet speed of 319 terabytes (TBPS) per second over an area of ​​about 3,000 km.

This information was given in a report of Indian media Hindustan Times. Earlier, the fastest internet in the world was at University College London, the report said. There, researchers set a record of 16 TBPS. This time his almost double speed internet was seen in Japan.

Many may wonder what will happen with the speed of the Internet? No, not so fast for movie downloads. In fact, this type of high speed internet is used for fast data backups, updates etc. Such fast internet is needed for important information, scientific research, data streaming and updating of space missions, backing up a lot of information, etc.

Some information about high speed internet:

* TBPS means terabits per second.

* Singapore holds the record for the highest fixed-line broadband speed in the world. The amount of this speed is 2015 Mbps.

* Theoretically it is possible to download the whole Netflix in just one second at 16 Tbps. Meanwhile, the new record speed is 319 Tbps. In other words, the whole Netflix can be downloaded twice in one second.

* NASA's system runs at 400 Gbps per second.