US woman finds dead body inside a second-hand freezer!

WASHINGTON: A US woman bought a used freezer for $30 from her neighbour’s garage sale only to discover parts of a dead body inside.
The woman, from Goldsboro, North Carolina, was shocked when she looked into the used freezer she bought and found parts of a dead body inside.
“My heart was in my throat and I ran outside, called 911,” the woman local news channel WNCN.
The woman said she bought the freezer from her neighbour, but she did not immediately open it because the neighbour told her it was being used as a “time capsule”.
The seller of the freezer said it was part of a class project she was doing with her church Sunday School class.
“A church was supposed to come, pick up the items inside the freezer. I was supposed to get the freezer back. The church never came. I decided to open it,” the freezer buyer said.
The buyer called 911 after seeing the contents of the freezer.
“I have a serious problem. My neighbour sold me a deep freezer. I just opened it and there’s a body in there I think. I am freaking out,” she told the 911 dispatcher.
Police confirmed that human remains were found.
The woman who discovered it said she believes it was the body of the neighbour’s elderly mother inside the freezer.
“She sold me her frozen mother for $30. How do you do something like that?” the woman said.
The mother had lived with her daughter for years, but had not been seen since September.
“(She was) Just the sweetest lady. I mean quiet, kept to herself, stayed at home. Just unbelievable how she could just stick her mom in a freezer,” the woman said.
She said the day after she bought the freezer, the neighbour who sold it to her then left town.
Goldsboro police are investigating the incident as felony concealing or failing to notify the death of a person.